

flower brigade

a couple weekends ago, andrew, ashley, and i met up at the stanford mall for lunch in between my shifts.  i arrived early, so i got a chance to admire the flower gardens throughout the open-air mall.  they were fantastic!  so, in true fashion, i whipped out the camera and started being that creepy, anti-social person that people keep one eye on and pull their children closer to their sides when they walk past.  it was not one of my finest public moments, but a lot of people walking past asked me to see what shots i was getting, and were understanding of what my main goal was!

of course, there are probably parks in the immediate area that have flowers more accessable -- but i was completely amazed that these were still around at the end of october with hardly any signs that it was fall!  enjoy!

my fave.

i do believe i tempted fate messing with the bees!  i have a ton of pictures with the flower + bee combo, but i was such a chicken that sometimes my camera focused on the wrong thing!  oops.

my fave, again.

this could be bathroom wall material -- ha!

hello water droplets.

how are they still so fresh?  those grounds people at stanford have magic fingers!

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