

welcome to our low-key weekend.

this is my way of showing you that nothing too exciting happened on our low-key weekend:

j-money figured out how he can effectively get away with stealing our sock balls by hiding under the bed immediately after being discovered.

we took a sun-bathed nap.  well he slept.  i read "womens health" & dreamed about actually being motivated to workout.

andrew finally came back from his last skiing weekend of the season!  i ran out of things to do on my to-do list, so it was perfect timing to get out of doing chores.  (where did the classy hat come from you ask?  pond skimming competition.  they celebrate the end of the season by trying to make it across the pond on their skis. make it: you get a hat.  don't: you get a towel.)

the last retreival of the camera brought about documenting my make-shift kong.  who knows where the original is.  this ones a little more creepy. (thanks to gus - his nd bff)  no hesitation, so don't worry.

i think that's really all we've got!  i've been addicted to a book trilogy called "the hunger games" -- but luckily that tween guilty pleasure was finished up yesterday.  now, it's on to tina feys new book & i must say it is hilarious!!  thanks to ashley [sister] for recommending it!  it's a must-read to anyone who needs a giggle -- especially on audiobook, so you can catch the tones of each chapter from tina herself!