

bored & awake

if three words can describe what's been going on around here, they would be: no sleep & cleaning.  i understand that new mothers and those that are overly exhausted will be peeved that i would even think that i was having a hard time sleeping - but i am.  it's not that i'm "sleep deprived."  sad to say, but i can sleep in and take naps all day - at least for this week.  it's the falling asleep that's got me.  let's just say that it's not until well after 3 am that i can drift off to dreamland, which is so not what my usual sleep schedule is like!  usually my pillow is calling my name around 9 pm, even on weekends! 

so i've decided to not do the frustrated tossing & turning, but instead use my "extra time" wisely.  this means listing a few items on ebay, catching up on relative/friend's blogs, doing some extra editing on photos, reading, updating you guys, etc. 

now, is andrew phased by all this action (you may be wondering)?  absolutely not.  he just woke himself up with a snarling snore 2 seconds ago.  sure, the first couple nights this new "phase" started, i was a little annoyed by the fact that he could just flop down & not even touch the pillow before the deep breathing started. (death stares at a sleeping person do nothing.)  however, now i see it as my own special "finding myself" time.  (it also doesn't hurt that all the fall shows have started...thanks hulu!)

all sounds great, huh?  be jealous.  that's right.

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