

happy halloween!

we have a sister living with us!  ashley (mikey's wife) has arrived and is moved in for the month of november.  this is exciting for me for two reasons: i will officially have one friend around and 2. i will be forced out of my clothing rut into some normal and semi-fashionable duds.  working at the Y and living in a swim suit has made me accustomed to pulling on layers of cotton, non-fitted, stretchy-wasted wonders -- which doesn't help make me aware whether or not my waist has grown. 

other than that, i'm getting sick of commuting.  with andrew forced to be on the road going from clinic to clinic, and me going across the bay or north almost everyday, shell gasoline has been making bank on us.  i think the only thing keeping me sane is audio books, which i'm also becoming immune to for zoning out to.  for those that have never been in the car with me, i'm a road-raging fool.  andrew has the "fake break" on the passenger side and my dad grabbed the dashboard only twice while my parents were here.  something needs to change, and i imagine that i do not have the power to alter california traffic, so i am considering ways to shorten my commute. 

the apartment complex that we live in is one of many throughout northern california in the bay area, and we are allowed to move to another location within the terms of our lease.  so for the next 4 weeks i have put "looking at the other locations" on my to-do list.  my guess is that we will be living around palo alto again in the next 6 months.  my only requirement is that andrew has to be available this time for helping transport goods.  i did everything this last time, besides two trips, and ended up asking a friend to co-pilot with me in a u-haul to move the big stuff.  we ended up moving in matress, dressers, sofa, etc., in 107 degree weather, which is exactly when i vowed to never put myself in that situation again.  of course, through college and moving out to california i was used to packing and transporting everything independently; but isn't that what a husband is for?  ha!

updates on my apt option finds later -- have a safe and happy halloween! 

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